Thursday, April 10, 2008

Last Night's Visitors

We had two visitors last night on our back porch. My husband was out watering, and called us all to come and look. There were two hummingbird moths feeding on our new hanging baskets. I grabbed my camera and started shooting. They were really hard to catch with my digital, but I took tons of pics so I ended up with quite a few shots. By the end of my battery life, the little guys were flitting all around us, making circles around me especially, and hovering around my legs. I was able to stand super close to the flowers. They didn't seem bothered at all by our presence or my camera flash. Aren't they the cutiest moths you have ever seen?


Weird Bug Lady said...

These are my favorite moths, great shots!

Gracie Bird said...

How cool!

Mrs.Kwitty said...

Very cool--I've never seen those before!
Smiles, Karen

Lisa Brawner said...

very pretty !! I had never seen them before