Monday, February 25, 2008

Monday, Monday, Monday

Yes, I am just continuing with this blog, and my two jobs. I am starting to feel like Etsy is a job. I wish I could do it full time. There are so many things I would like to make. So many things I would like to try. Just don't have time. I haven't used my sewing machine in so long. I am sure it misses me. Have I told you about my sewing machine? Of course not. It was my mothers. She bought it when she was in college at a discount. It is a fabulous baby blue Singer. I love it. I have not used many other machines in my life. Just in Home Ec back when they used to have Home Ec. I love it and I don't know if I could ever learn to use any other one!

Made it in a treasury.


Anonymous said...

Hi from the Etsy forums! I will read your blog! Come visit my blog!

Anonymous said...

However, you have to be careful taking etsy full time in relation to other's around you. What I mean is this: I quit my horrible job in December and decided to pursue etsy full time. Problem is, my family doesn't treat my job like a job. They think I sit around all day and do nothing. Be sure you are very clear on your limits of your work hours!